Something about Norwegian tradition...
15. En mann fra Kjølholt hadde
aldri villet tro at det fantes nisser før han en dag så en liten tass* komme fra vedskjulet med et stort fange
med ved**.
A man from Kjølholt had never wanted to believe that there was Santa until one day he saw a little creature (boy etc) coming from the woodshed with an armful of wood.
A man from Kjølholt had never wanted to believe that there was Santa until one day he saw a little creature (boy etc) coming from the woodshed with an armful of wood.
*en tass = creature
å tasse =
**Vil du hente et fange med ved? = Will you pick up an armful of wood?
16. Mannen grep etter geværet og skjøt på den.
The man reached for (grab) the gun and shot at it.
The man reached for (grab) the gun and shot at it.
17. Han traff godt, for nissen og vedkubbene* føyk rundt til alle kanter.
He hit well so that Santa and pieces of wood scattered around in all directions.
He hit well so that Santa and pieces of wood scattered around in all directions.
*en vedkubbe = a piece of wood
18. Etter
den dagen var mannen aldri helt frisk, ble
det fortalt.
After that day, the man was never healthy, it was told.
After that day, the man was never healthy, it was told.
19. Nissen kunne være til nytte på gården, for eksempel ved å stelle dyra, særlig hvis han fikk god mat og drikke på
Santa could be useful on the farm, for example, tend to care for animals, especially if he got good food and drink on Christmas Eve.
Santa could be useful on the farm, for example, tend to care for animals, especially if he got good food and drink on Christmas Eve.
20. Men han var også lunefull og uberegnelig og kunne utføre pek*
og ugagn og skade folk og dyr hvis han ikke ble behandlet godt.
But he was also moody and unpredictable and could perform tricks and mischief and damage to people and animals if he was not treated well.
But he was also moody and unpredictable and could perform tricks and mischief and damage to people and animals if he was not treated well.
*pek = tricks
å peke på lyse = to point on candle
21. Var nissen lei eller sint for noe, visste han å vise det gjennom rampestreker*.
Was Santa bored or angry about something, he knew to show it through mischief.
* pek, ugagn, rampestreker (used more often)= tricks, mischief --> almost the same meaning
22. Det
ble fortalt at han dro maten bort fra kyr han
ikke likte og ga det til andre kyr han var glad i.
It was said that he left the food away from the cows he did not liked and gave it to other cows he loved.
It was said that he left the food away from the cows he did not liked and gave it to other cows he loved.
23. Opp til 1800-tallet var det ikke uvanlig at man virkelig trodde nisser eksisterte og man tok derfor hensyn til nissen i dagliglivet på gården.
Up to the 1800s it was not uncommon that one really thought Santas existed and they therefore took into consideration Santa in daily life on the farm .
Up to the 1800s it was not uncommon that one really thought Santas existed and they therefore took into consideration Santa in daily life on the farm .
24. Nissen tålte ikke banning.
Santa did not tolerate cursing.
Santa did not tolerate cursing.
25. En
tjenestegutt skulle
sette inn hesten om kvelden og kom til å
banne i stalldøren.
A servant should put the horse in the evening and got to curse at the stable door.
A servant should put the horse in the evening and got to curse at the stable door.
26. Før han visste ordet av det, fikk han en
ørefik så det sang om ørene på ham.
Before he knew it (it happened sudden), he got slap in the face and then the song start singing in his ears .
Before he knew it (it happened sudden), he got slap in the face and then the song start singing in his ears .
27. Det var soleklart (=klart) nissen som på denne måten ville gi ham en lærepenge.
It was obvious Santa in this way would give him a lesson.
to be continued....
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