Something about Norwegian tradition...
5. Nordmenns forhold til nissen er noe uklart – vi har ikke et klart skille mellom populærkulturens julenisse
og den mer tradisjonelle fjøsnissen.
Norwegians' relationship with Santa is vague (somewhat unclear) - we have not a clear distinction between popular culture Santa Claus (julenisse) and the more traditional Barns Claus (fjøsnissen).
6. Ettersom både julenissen og fjøsnissen
blir kalt nisse, og dukket opp ganske
parallelt på 1800-tallets illustrerte magasiner, grodde de
delvis sammen.
Since (as) both Santa Claus and Barns Claus being called Santa and appeared quite parallel in the 1800s illustrated magazines, they grew partly along.
Since (as) both Santa Claus and Barns Claus being called Santa and appeared quite parallel in the 1800s illustrated magazines, they grew partly along.
7. Fortellinger, julekort og annet fra slutten av 1800-tallet har vært med på å spre forestillinger om nissen i Norge
og har i nyere tid også knyttet figuren til jul.
Stories (ideas; beliefs), Christmas cards and other from the end of 1800s has helped to spread the stories of Santa in Norway and has in recent times also attached the figure for Christmas.
Stories (ideas; beliefs), Christmas cards and other from the end of 1800s has helped to spread the stories of Santa in Norway and has in recent times also attached the figure for Christmas.
8. Enkelte
forbinder i dag
fjøsnissen med gaveutdeling, men opprinnelig var fjøsnissen en som måtte
få gaver for å være snill.
Some associate today Barns Claus with gift distribution, but originally Stable Claus was one that had to get gifts for being kind.
Some associate today Barns Claus with gift distribution, but originally Stable Claus was one that had to get gifts for being kind.
9. Folk på gårdene ofret gjerne litt
til nissen for at det skulle gå gård og buskap godt i det kommende år.
People on farms sacrificed often (preferably) some for Santa to be sure that it would go well with the farm and the (live)stock (herd) in the coming year.
People on farms sacrificed often (preferably) some for Santa to be sure that it would go well with the farm and the (live)stock (herd) in the coming year.
10. De satte ut mat og øl til nissen som befant seg i en slags mellomverden mellom vår egen og den
mystiske underjordiske verden.
They put out food and beer for Santa who was located in a sort of intermediate world between our own and the mysterious underground world.
They put out food and beer for Santa who was located in a sort of intermediate world between our own and the mysterious underground world.
11. Møter med nissen - Meetings with Santa
Nissen har hatt en sterk posisjon i den norske folketroen.
Santa has held a strong position in the Norwegian folklore.
12. Forestillingene rundt og møtene med nissen har vært mange og
The beliefs all around and meetings with Santa has been many and varied.
The beliefs all around and meetings with Santa has been many and varied.
13. Det finnes en lang
rekke fortellinger og sagn som
beskriver møter med nissen.
There are a wide range of (many) stories and legends describing meetings with Santa.
There are a wide range of (many) stories and legends describing meetings with Santa.
14. Av disse trer (kommer) det frem hvilken funksjon
og posisjon denne skikkelsen har
hatt i folks liv.
Of these, it becomes clear which function and position this figure had in people's lives.
Of these, it becomes clear which function and position this figure had in people's lives.
to be continued....
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