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Lesson 9a: Min daglige rutine: Homework for you :)

Min daglige rutine = My daily routine

«aktiviteter i dagliglivet» 
Omfatter alle de aktivitetene og handlingene vi utfører, fra vi våkner om morgenen til vi legger oss om kvelden

«Activities of daily life»
Includes all the activities and actions we perform, from the time we wake up in the morning until we go to bed at night

[def. found somewhere on the web]

Due to the fact that I perceive this section as a very important to learn, I will devote it a little more time than is traditionally given in books. We will discuss in a variety of ways (to speed up learning process) all the words, which comes to my mind when I think about: daily routine.  

To facilitate the learning process, see below at Go! Simple quiz/diagram for daily routine activities. 

Your first task is to translate the words given in the quiz/diagram. 

Your second task is to make the simplest sentences using the quiz/diagram below. 

In performing these tasks, you will speed up the learning curve

You can also use below glossary to develop your sentences.

først - first
etter (+ noun) = after
etterpå (+ verb) = afterwards
deretter = then
så = then, so
da = then
til slutt = finally

å pleie = to usually (do something)
fra...til = from

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