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Lesson 10: God Jul! [PART 5]

Hello everyone! Nice that some of you have liked my FB page :)))

It has been (and still is) a quite busy period for me and therefore I have not updated my blog recently. Today I have finally found some time and would like to introduce some new vocabulary from the topic : God Jul! ;) 


Midnattsmesse = Midnight mass
I Polen går mange mennesker i kirken til Midnattsmesse = In Poland many people go to the church to midnight mass.

I motsetning til i Norge, går mange mennesker i Polen til Midnattsmesse = Contrary to Norway, many people in Poland go to midnight mass. 

Myrra = Myrrh
Da Jesus ble født, fikk han myrra av en konge. 
= When Jesus was born, he got myrrh from the king.
***one special incident we use "DA" ***

røkelse og gull = frankincense and gold

Av de andre fikk han røkelse og gull. = From the other ones he got frankincense and gold.


Når jeg kommer fra gym, tar jeg alltid en dusje. = When I come from the gym, I always take a shower.

***when things are happening systematically we use "NÅR". ***


Stuffing = stuffing
Ofte fyller vi kalkunen med stuffing = Often we stuff turkey

Ofte har kalkunen stuffing Often the turkey has stuffing

Jule ønsker = Christmas wishes

Jeg ønsker dere allealle sammen god jul og et Godt Nyttår 
=  I wish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Over hele verden har folk jule ønsker
Throughout the world, people have Christmas wishes

Folk ønsker seg noe
people wish themselves something

Folk ønske hverandre god jul / forskjellige ting
people wish each other Happy christmas/ different things

ønskeliste = wishlist

Barna skriver ofte ønskeliste til nissen hver jul 
Children often writes wishlist to Santa Claus each Christmas

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