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Lesson 9: SUMMARY II (plus some new words)

Å ta seg av huset/husholdningen = Taking care of the house / household

Hvor ofte gjør du disse oppgavene? = How often do you do the following housework?

to vacuum clean
å støvsuge
wipe the dust
å tørke støv
to weigh yourself
å veie seg
to do the washing up, clean the dishes
å vaske opp
to move the lawn
å klippe gresset 
to do the gardening
å gjøre hagearbeid
to go shopping
å gå på shopping (meaning more walking around and buying not necessarily food)
to shop
å handle (meaning more that you buy food)
to prepare meals
å tilberede måltider
to make food
å lage mat
to throw the rubbish
å kaste søppel
to bake
å bake
to iron clothes
å stryke klær
an ironing board
to sweep the floor
å feie gulvet
a broom
to wash  the floor
å vaske gulvet
to take care (of)
å ta seg (av)
to prepare breakfast
å lage frokost
to do exercises
å gjøre øvelser
to pay the bills
å betale regninger
to make the bed
å re opp sengene
to change linens
å skifte sengetøy
to clear the table
å rydde bordet
to water the flowers
å vanne blomstene
to do the laundry
å vaske tøy (wash everything including e.g. pillows etc.)
to wash clothes
å vaske klær (wash only clothes)
to put dirty laundry in the washing machine

å legge skittentøy (et) i vaskemaskinen
to hang the laundry
å henge opp tøy
to help with housework
å hjelpe til med husarbeid
a cloth
klut, fille

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