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Lesson 9: Daily Routine (Sentences)

Now probably most of you know the vocabulary from the previous lessons (of course today you will learn some more words). I believe that the more you see the same words in other sentences, the faster and easier it becomes to remember and use them later on.


Om sommeren KLIPPER vi ofte GRESSE/PLEN og gjør litt hagearbeid. In summer we often move lawn and do some gardening.

Blant annet er barns* plikter Å VASKE OPP og STØVSUGE huset. Among other things, child’s domestic duties is to make washing up and vacuuming the house.

Vi ønsker Å FORDELE HUSARBEID blant oss alle. We want to divide chores among us.

Barna RYDDER alltid BORDET etter at vi har SPIST. The kids always clears the table after we eat.

Hun liker Å GJØRE HUSARBEID, men han liker det ikke. She likes doing (household) chores, but he does not like it.

Det sies at menn LAGER MAT bedre enn kvinner, er det sant? = It is said that men cook better than women, is it true?

Det er viktig Å HA NYSTRØKET skjorte før man går til jobb. = It is important to have freshly ironed shirt before going to work.

Når du er ferdig med Å FEIE GULVET, kan du også VASKE det? = When you have finished sweeping the floor, can you also wash it?

Moren min TILBEREDER de beste måltidene. My mom prepares the best meals.

Jeg går til butikken og deretter LAGER jeg MAT. = I go to the store and then I make food

Kan du VASKE OPP etter at vi er ferdige med maten/har spist? = Can you clean up after we're done with the food / eaten?

Jeg VÅKNER OPP om morgenen og GJØR ØVELSER. = I wake up in the morning and do the exercises.

Moren min hjelper meg alltid Å RE OPP SENGENE = My mom always helps me to make the beds

* - Will be explained later

det sies = it is said
gresse, plen = grass, lawn
å fordele husarbeid – to divide (household) chores; housework
huslige plikter – household duties
blant annet = among other things
blant oss alle = among all of us
stryker = to iron
å ha nystrøket (f.eks. skjorte) = to have ironed e.g. shirt
å tilberede = to prepare
måltidene = meals
å være ferdig med å (VERB) = to be finished/done with

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