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Lesson 6b: Modal Verbs

Rule no2. 
Sentences & Questions


Max kan dra til Oslo. Max can go to Oslo.


  • Starting a sentence with interrogative pronouns

Hvor kan Max dra?Where can Max go?

  • Starting a sentence with Modal Verbs

Kan Max dra til Oslo?
Can Max go to Oslo?

Rule no3. 
When we name the place
we can drop the verbs such as 
gå, dra, reise.

  • Max skal (dra) på jobb Max will (go) to work
  • Max (gå) til legen Max must (go) to the doctor
Note: If you are far away from somewhere then use "dra".

dra - longer distance (here we mean drive or go)
gå - smaller distance (here we mean walk or go) 

For instance, in the first sentence if Max is living in one town but works in Oslo then it is unlikely that you would say: 
"Max skal på jobb" (unless he wants to walk :P)

More examples:
  • Max vil (reise) til Polen Max will (go) to Poland

  • Jeg skaløvelse = I am going to practice (e.g. music instrument, Norwegian exercise)

  • Hvor skal du? (i.e. 'Hvor skal du': gå, dra, reise) = Where are you going?
  • Hun skal (gå) til butikken. She will (go) to the store.

  • Skal du (reise) til Polen? Will you (go, travel) to Poland?

Rule no4. 
We can express the future 
using SKAL.

  • Max skal (dra) til Oslo. Max will (go) to Oslo.
  • Max skal (reise) til Polen. Max will (go, travel) to Poland

Rule no5. 
We can also express the future 
adding a time frame.

  • Max drar til Oslo i morgen Max goes to Oslo tomorrow
  • Max reiser til Polen i neste uke Max travel to Poland next week

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