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Lesson 9: Frequency adverbs + Daily Routine [PART 1]

Over the next lessons I will systematically add "Go! Simple memo" words that is my method for faster memorizing vocabulary on the principle of individual associations and the use of images.

Today and tomorrow you will learn daily routine phrases along with frequency adverbs. I think that in this way it will be easier for you to learn them, ie associating certain words (for example, taking a shower) with the frequency of their execution (eg, always).



alltid = always

(veldig) ofte = very often
ofte = often

vanligvis = usually
som regel = generally

regelmessig = regularly

noen ganger = sometimes
av og til (more often used); fra tid til annen = from time to time

sjelden = rarely; seldom
tidvis occasionally

nesten aldri = almost never
aldri = never

hver dag = every day
daglig = daily

hver uke = every week
hver måned = every month
to ganger i uken = two times a week

å pleie (verb) = used to; tend to

Glossary of all daily routine words which you will get to know today and in the coming days will be attached at the end of Lesson 9. However, I think you can still get an idea of the meaning of each word thanks to the pictures. 


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