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Dialogues 1&2


R: Når skal du begynne timene dine? = What time do you start your lessons?
F: I dag begynner jeg senere, klokken 10:00 = Today I start later, at 10 o’clock
R: Har du gjort leksene dine? = Have you done your homework?
F: Ja, jeg har gjort dem/de = Yes I did it
R: Nå er klokken nesten ni, ikke kom for sent til bussen = Now its almost 9 o'clock, don't be late for the bus
F: Mamma, det er fortsatt mye tid før bussen går = Mom, it is still lots of time until the bus goes
R: Bare ikke gå glipp av bussen = Just be sure not to miss the bus
F: Ikke bekymre deg mamma = don’t worry mom
    Ikke fortvil mamma = don’t worry mom

Ikke gå glipp av bussen! = don’t miss the bus!
ikke komme for sent til bussen = don’t be late for the bus
ikke bekymre deg mamma = don’t worry mom
ikke fortvil mamma = don’t worry mom

DANIEL (D) & MORTEN (M) snakker i timevis på telefonen = speaking for hours on the telephone

D: Hei, dette er Daniel, kan jeg snakke med Morten? =  Hello, this is Daniel speaking may I speak to Morten?
M: Å, hallo, lenge siden vi har snakket! Hvordan har du det? = Oh, hello, long time since we have spoken! How are you?
D: Jeg har det veldig bra, og du? = I am very well, and you?
M: Vel, jeg har liten tid disse dager, har jeg startet en ny jobb i byen = Well, I have little time these days, I have started a new job in the city
D: Gratulerer! = Congratulations
M: Tusen takk, jeg må gå/ dra på jobb. Den starter om 2 timer / Jobben starter om 2 timer = Thank you, I must go (if you walk) / go (if you drive) to work. It starts in about 2 hours / job starts in two hours.
D: Det er greit, vi snakkes i morgen = It's OK, we'll talk tomorrow


  1. Just one question...Why it's 'I dag begynner jeg senere', instead of 'I dag jeg begynner senere'? The same with 'er det fortsatt mye tid...', not 'det er ...'? I'm beginner, so sorry if it's stupid question :)

  2. Thank you for your comment. There are no stupid questions :))) I am always happy to answer :)

    Please have a look here:
    This post was about the rule in Norwegian which states that the verb (e.g. after time/place expression) is always on second place.
    Since here the sentence begins with "I dag" which is a time expression, after we need to put begynner jeg instead of jeg begynner. Is it clear now :)?

  3. 'er det fortsatt mye tid...', I just saw it now, it is not correct and should be "det er...". I will change it now :) Thank you for catching that! :) However, if that would be a question, then it would be correct :) I hope that helps :)

  4. Tusen takk! I must have missed that post :) Everything's clear now :D

  5. You are very welcome:)! For easy navigation I suggest to use SITEMAP button (under navigation) on the right hand site.
    There you will find all lessons posted til now. All posts are under Learning Norwegian, however I have also grouped the posts by Lesson's number.
    I hope that will help.

    Here you have a direct link:


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