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Lesson 3c - Question Words

HVOR? - Where?
Hvor kommer du fra? – Where are you from?
Hvor er en taxi/drosje? – Where is a taxi?

Hva heter du? – What is your name?
*Hva koster det? – How much does it costs?

Hvilken dag kommer du? = Which day will you come? [used with masculine/feminine nouns]
Hvilket språk liker du mest? What language do you like the most? [used with neuter nouns]
Hvilke  dager  går  du  på  kurs? - Which days do you go to course?[used with plural nouns]

HVEM? – who?
Hvem er det? – Who is it? (e.g. someone rings the door)
Hvem er dette? - Who is this? (e.g. you bring a friend home and someone ask…)

Hvorfor er du trist? – Why are you sad?

Når kommer han? – When does he come?
Når kom du til Norge?When did you come to Norway?

Hvordan staver du det? – How do you spell it?
Hvordan skriver du det?– How do you write it?

HVOR + adjective/adverb = How…
HVOR MANGE? – How many
Hvor mange kroner? – How many kroner?
Hvor mange liter? – How many liters

HVOR MYE? – How much?
Hvor mye koster det? – How much does it costs?

HVOR LENGE? – How long [refers to time]
Hvor lenge skal du vaere her? – How long will you be here?
Hvor lenge skal vi vente? – How long should we wait?
Filmen varer lenge – The film lasts long

HVOR LANG TID? – How long time?
Hvor lang tid tar det med buss? - How long does it take by bus?

HVOR LANGT? – How long, How far [refers to distance]
Hvor langt er  det  til byen? – How far is it to town?
Hvor langt er  det  til Oslo? - How far is it to Oslo?

Don’t use to people as it can be understood as you ask about their weight]

Hvor stor  er byen? [masculine/feminine] - How big is the city?
Hvor  stort  er huset? [neuter] - How big is the house?
Hvor  store  er vinduene? [plural] - How big are the windows?
[the adjectives agree with the noun – check lesson next week]

HVOR OFTE? – How often?

Hvor ofte laerer du norsk? - How often do you learn Norwegian?

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