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Lesson 2b = Gender, Basic Questions


In Norwegian there are three genders:

en = male (hannkjønn)

ei = female (hunkjønn)

Note: Female article can be replaced by the male article.
For example in Oslo female gender is almost not used.

Et = neuter (intetkjønn)

The indefinite article:

en butikk = a shop (male)

ei OR en bok = a book [female or male: see Note above]

et apotek = a pharmacy (neuter)

The definite article:
General rule: add the appropriate ending (en, et, or "a" for feminine) at the end of the noun

Butikken (male) = the store

boka (female) OR boken (male) = the book

apoteket (neuter) = the pharmacy

More information about the nouns can be found (for example) at:



Hva betyr...? = what means...?

"ikke sant" = isn't it?

"det stemmer" (mostly norwegian change the order and say: "stemmer det") = yea, that’s right)

"Ja da" = Yeah

"Nei da" = Oh no

“kom igjen da” = go on then, come on (e.g. when driving a car we want to make the person (in the other vehicle) to go faster ;) )

Hvordan går det? = How are you?

Takk, det går bra = Thank you, it goes well

Ganske bra = Pretty well

Hvordan går det med norskkurset? = How is the Norwegian course (going)

Det går fint! = it’s going just well

Hvordan har du det? = How are you? (How are you doing?)

Veldig bra = Very good

Ikke så verst = not so bad

Hyggelig å se deg! (you know the person) = Nice to see you

I like mate = sth like vice versa

Hyggelig å hilse på deg! = nice to meet you

I like mate = sth like vice versa

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